Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mew are not so smart...

It's been a long while since I've posted about my other children. Joey is here now, bathing next to me. Does your cat lick really loud? Like smack and stuff? Poor Joey, he has all sorts of issues. He suffers from anxiety. He's afraid of the noise dishes/silverware make when you unload/load the dishwasher - he tears from room to room meowing loudly as if the clanking sound is directly amplified inside his tiny cat eardrum. He follows me everywhere. Perhaps I should give him something for separation anxiety. It's kind of sweet that he must be near me at all times. Except at 2am when I stumble out of bed to pee, and he follows me to the toilet, then to the sink when I wash, then across the counter to the hand towel hanging on the wall, then back in the bed. Really. Joey. I've peed like a bazillion times during the night darling, and not once have I left the house and you alone. Don't fret, my pet.

My absolute favorite is when I wake up to pee, and either end up beating the crap out of Terry for leaving his big clunky shoes directly in my path, or I end up knocking the wind out of Slippers because she decided to curl up on the floor, directly within my path. Can't she hear me coming, and move out of the way? You'd think she'd bolt knowing it's pitch black and I'm not equipped with night vision goggles like she is. No. She remains asleep. And I kick her and hear her tiny lungs deflate as she jets out of the bedroom, gasping for air. Aren't cats supposed to be superior in mind to all other pets? Mine must not have that gene, because sometimes they are really retarded.

I decided to snap pics of the activities my cats participate in during the course of a day. I was extremely lucky to catch this kind of excitement on camera.


Annemarie said...

Kara, was that whole post really to let everyone know that you wash your hands after you pee....even during the middle of the night? Seriously, we knew that you were clean, you didn't have to write this whole post about the cats just to make sure we knew that. :)

Katie said...

Sweet Joey!!! Some animals are not as bright as others, as we know with our Chase, but you love them just the same.