Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Car Wash or Death Trap?

Am I the only person who deep down has very freaky thoughts while in a car wash? And when I say freaky, I mean scary.

Freaky thoughts like: is the force of the water going to shatter my window? Or blow it out of the door and into my neck and sever my head? Car washes have always made me very nervous. I dropped 59$ into my gas tank at HEB yesterday and decided on a discounted car wash. While sitting inside the wash I kept imagining the water pressure going awry and the damn sprayer bashing in every window and emerging thru the car dryer a bloody mess. And why are they so flipping loud? That loud noise doesn't help my brain with the terrible bloody thoughts. It makes it way worse. Then I imagine the whole machine thing breaking loose from the ceiling and bashing into my car. Maybe I'm the only one, but I seriously doubt it. I consciously leave my doors unlocked while sitting there in case something goes wrong and I have to bolt. My seat belt remains unfastened as well. Perhaps I'm paranoid. But then again, perhaps I'm maximizing the efficiency of exiting my vehicle in a timely manner in the case of an emergency.


Jenni said...

Take it to a full service one next time and let the professionals worry about that stuff. Or get a fountain drink and some M&Ms and forget all about it.

Beankountess said...

I hear your concern. I have the same thoughts when I am in the car wash and the monster bar with water gushing out at full force is hovering over my head! But, for whatever reason - risking my life is less important then getting the bird poop off my car.

Annemarie said...

Crap, rereading this post just reminded me that I need to get MY car washed....ugh. BUT....I love carwashes....I like the noises, and the fact that the car is that much cleaner on the way out! :)