Friday, August 1, 2008

Ode To Annemarie

A little poem for my friend I've now nicknamed The Travelin' Bandit.

It was way back in the day, about 8 long years ago,
I met my good friend Annemarie, she's a cool mo'fo.

Several years have passed, she's still my fun 'lil friend,
But lately I miss her cuz she's travelin' to no end.

Monday she's in Florida, then flies out yonder to Utah
Barely makin' it back to Texas to see me and yell "yee haw."

Onto Colorado she flies, you know she's a Travelin' Bandit
How she stays awake during the day - to her, you gotta hand it...

From a concert with friends here, to a work meeting there,
She's putting dots on the map and that's just not fair!

Seeing all kinds of places, like D.C., New York and Cali.,
We miss you here in Texas! Your friends are keeping tally.

So hurry your butt on home, and stop all this flyin'
Or I'll hack your beloved laptop and then you'll be cryin'

Cuz I'll delete your Google Calendar and then you won't be so jolly,
And when you finally get home you'll see I stole Molly.

We all miss you much and we just can't stand it,
We don't like your new job, we don't want no Travelin' Bandit.

1 comment:

Annemarie said...

Kara, Kara, are amazing. You totally make me smile, and I miss you too!! I get home tonight (woohoo) and I don't have anything on my calendar for ALL week, well, besides work, can you believe it?? Let's do something. Kiss the girls for me....see you real soon! You're the best!