Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Get the Cryogenic Freezers Ready

10 signs you are aging - at least in my household.

# 10. There's Gas-X in your medicine cabinet.

# 9. Wrinkle cream is used every night. I double the dosage recommended.

# 8. 1:00pm feels like 1:00am when you have 2 kids under 3.

# 7. You go nowhere without concealer.

# 6. Bedtime comes right after your children go down. 8pm.

# 5. You throw your back out while playing golf. Terry.

# 4. You get neck spasms when playing in the lake. Kara.

# 3. Cereal choices are made by fiber content.

# 2. You don't know how you ever hit happy hour 4x a week.

# 1. Staying awake past 11:30p to watch the Olympics is pure torture.


Elisabeth said...

YES - the Olympics are KILLING ME! I am not doing well in the mornings AT ALL. I've been late to work almost every day. Stupid swimmers and gymnasts.

PS - I heart the Olympics!

tracie b said...

amen, sister!