Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Bloods, The Crips, The Hummingbirds

Y'all remember my Sparrows/Gang story right...

I have zero hummingbird feeders in my back yard, I know, I'm terrible. We just don't have a deck built yet, hopefully soon, so we have really no where to hang them from. Poor excuse I know. I spotted some hummingbirds the other day...they are probably Mommy's looking for food to feed their tiny, fragile newborn hummies (cute word I made up for newborn hummingbirds) and hopefully I'm not personally causing tiny, fragile newborn hummies to die a horrible starving death from my lack of available feeders.

I was outside in the back reading on Sunday and saw 3 of them flitting about around my maple tree. I was shocked because I've never seen them in my yard. I turned around and watched. Let me tell you they are mean little suckers. Incredibly territorial. [My dad had a gorgeous back porch and he used to have at least 30 of them at his feeders at one time, all trying to drink. I remember they make little hissing noises when they are pissed off. That will happen when 30 itty bitty mouths try to drink from 3 feeders.] Anyway back to my back yard. There they were, flitting around and sticking out their small puffy chests, flying back and forth. Yelling at each other, I'm assuming. I wonder if along with the Sparrows, Hummingbirds have gang initiation too? I think I will get some feeders so I can document their possible gang activity. They could use their sharp beaks to stab each other in their rapidly beating, microscopic hearts... or all of a sudden fly backwards and ram into a rival hummingbird and knock the wind of him. That would make for a thrilling post wouldn't you say! OH! Maybe I can set up a web cam like that guy did with the baby Eagles in his yard. I'm going to Home Depot. I've got a lot of work to do.

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