Saturday, July 12, 2008

No, Seriously! Take It. I Didn't Want It Anyway.

What I would do to have huge muscles and no fear. What a combo. Oh, and no moral compass or conscience. That would be the only way possible I could kick this lady's ass who outright stole a parking space from me.

Now, why on Earth would I be in a parking lot heading directly for an empty space with my blinker in the ON position? Could it be that I was going to park my car there? Ya think?? Obviously this lady disregarded my blinker thinking it must be malfunctioning and I didn't in fact want that particular spot. Well, lady, you were wrong. And now I have to drive 11 more feet to find another spot. But that's not the point...

I sat in my car stunned as she whipped her Toyota Camry into MY spot. I just kind of stared at her, she got out of her car and waltzed right into the store, never looking my general direction. Uhhh excuuuuuuse meeee!

What was she thinking?! I would feel really embarrassed, not to mention really guilty about blatantly stealing a spot from someone. Stealing a spot from someone and fighting for a spot are two very different things. Stealing a spot is rude. I've never stolen a spot. I have however put up a fight for a spot. I was in my 20's (young and immature is my excuse for this part) and it was literally the only spot in the entire lot. I needed it. I had to have it.

Here's how that went down: I was in the Hula Hut parking lot with some girlfriends, 5-6 years ago, you know who you are :) I ended up in a parking space war with another car. She sped up and motioned she wanted the spot, but I wanted it too. *Happy hour was about to start and we're in a hurry lady, get the flip out of the way* So, I darted around her and might have waved a gang sign, I can't remember, but I got the space dammit. I was victorious. The girls in my car were not amused with my parking lot-war antics. But.. I think having them in the car gave me a sense of safety and I became brave. She was just one lady. We had like five of us. 5 on 1. We totally would have won in a street fight. I do not condone violence, I have been in one fight in my life. 7th grade - Deerpark Middle school. I called Amy Pitts a bitch in gym class while she was taking her turn at archery. She walked over and told me she was gonna kick my ass after school. What did I do?? I ran straight to every teacher I knew and told on her.

I didn't get my ass kicked. And Amy ended up in D-hall. Bitch.

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