Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Here Kids ~ Let Mommy Light That For You

I am halfway between over the moon happy... and depressed as all hell. Reason? Preschool. Ava is older than dirt in my opinion, I don't know where the time has gone the last 3 years. I remember little Ava-loo so small and compact I could lay her on her back in my lap and her legs weren't long enough to touch my stomach. Now she's so flippin' big I can barely hold her. The first day of preschool for Ava was amazing. I was the first mom to arrive. Ava walked in and sat in a little red chair and picked up a ball of green play-doh. I said goodbye and she never knew I even left the classroom. Instead of crying because my child was scared to death of being at school for the first time, I cried because she didn't care that I was gone! Now she's like a small adult, interacting with other children and making decisions on her own.

Grace will be 18 months in October. That's 3 months away! 3. months. away. OMG only 3 months until my youngest child is out of the house and attending preschool. How did she get so old all of a sudden??? I'm not ready for this. I need her here. Drinking warm milk out of a bottle and saying gaa-gaa goo-goo. Not drinking with a straw and eating PB&J sandwiches and crunchy crackers.

I'm having Terry pick up a pack of Marlboro's on his way home from work and we will teach them how to smoke tonight. It will stunt their growth and they can stay in preschool forever!
The perfect plan.


Beankountess said...

What have I been saying all along?!?!? HAVE ANOTHER BABY!~

Julie said...

BRILLANT! I like it! Sheridan might be smoking on our play date next Monday too! :)