Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The March Wind Roars

Hail Storm from Kara on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

We got hail tonight too!!! But what I can't believe is that your girls were not scared. Amazing!!!! My 10 year old was freaking out and we were under a bank drive through safe as can be. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness....that IS insane!!! I cannot believe how much hail came down in such a short amount of time.

Did Ava's prediction come true?? "Oh, Dad's going to be so sad.....when he comes home". Love that little girl!!!

Beankountess said...

I got quite a bit of hail but you got TONS!!! Olive and I were hiding in the hall closet. I need to call the insurance company tomorrow and see if I can get a new roof!