Wednesday, November 26, 2008

'Tis The Season For Tripdaphan Naps! Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi. I'm a turkey. This is my face. It's blue. And red. And a certain shade of pink. And my lips have dirty crusty things on them. Wait. Those aren't my lips. I meant my beak. The top and bottom of my beak have dirty crusty things on them. I was born without eye lashes and have several whiskers poking out of the floppy skin hanging over my nose. I'm also in dire need of a deep pore cleansing.

I'm a turkey. I might not look good. But I sure taste good.

Gobble Gobble.


Beankountess said...

Gobble Gobble!!!
Kara Loo, Terry Too, Ava Bo-Bava, and Gracie Maci!!
I crack myself up! ;-)

Maybe this weekend the 4 or 6 of us can get together for a game night?

Anonymous said...

Turkey Lips... that's funny!