Monday, November 10, 2008

I Got Nuthin'.

Hi. How are you. Good. Good. Glad to hear it. Actually, I don't really care. I mean I do care, but I'm mostly just typing on my keyboard to hear myself type. I've been a little blog post challenged today. and yesterday. and the day before. and before that... Bit of a dry spell.

I just need something exciting to happen. Or something funny. Or maybe amazing. Gimme a few days... don't lose hope in me.


Annemarie said...

It's still nice to hear the "ding". ;)

Beankountess said...

You make me laugh!
Well I will see you tomorrow night for book chatter.

Unknown said...

It's amazing how much material you can find in the ordinary everyday boring stuff. The QC Report is one of the funniest blogs around on that subject. Check it out.

Peace - Rene

Jenni said...

How about interviewing Ava and having her tell you about her day and then you can type it here for all of us to enjoy?

Or interview Terry about his day. Wait. Nevermind. Interview Ava.