Monday, November 3, 2008

CPS to Aisle Six Please... CPS to Aisle Six.

Where: Target.
When: Last week.
Scenario: Waiting in check-out line.

Grace is chewing her little strawberry yogurt bites and making cute num num sounds and I am unloading my cart. Directly in front of me are two children, probably 7 and 10. Sister and brother. Very hyper children. Laughing, poking each other, teasing, jumping, regular hyper children. Directly in front of them is their mother. Let me rephrase that in a more delicate manner. Directly in front of them is their MAJORLY IRRITATED and ANGRY, STRESSED OUT BITCH of a mother. Is that rude to say? Cuz it's supposed to be.

This woman was yelling at her children who are 1 foot away from her, mind you, yelling at them to 'be quiet' and 'I told you to shut up' and 'if you don't stop acting like that you will spend the rest of the day in your rooms' - she was just lovely. Then she grabs her daughters arm between the shoulder and elbow and yanks her back and forth trying to get her attention. At this point people from other isles and the cashier watching this wacko began to stare, with open mouths, wondering if she can possibly be serious about treating her kids like that... in public.

Then I start thinking... ahhh, ohhhh, I get it! I bet this is some candid camera thing, they are just waiting for an appalled mother to step up and smack this crazy lady down, you know because she's a CRAZY LOON AND WHO WOULD TREAT THEIR KIDS, HYPER OR NOT, LIKE THIS??

I've understand the fact there are whack job moms out there who don't care about their children. Especially after reading a couple days ago a Texas mother was caught bashing her 3 year old daughter into parked cars at a super market and calling her 4 letter words and then threw her into the path of an oncoming SUV who slammed on his brakes to avoid hitting her.

So the mom at Target completes her check out and you know I'm nosey! so I push Grace at full speed after we pay for our items, and try to catch up to this woman to see what else is in store for her kids - then I see them. Parked only a few spaces from me, she has a white Lexus SUV with the back hatch open loading her groceries. She slams it closed and what do I see?
Her personalized license plate.... HAV FTH.

What a hypocritical bitch.


Anonymous said...

Totally thought you were talking about me... till the Lexus part. :o

~Kara~ said...

i've never seen z and k act nuts! have you??? :)

Unknown said...

The worst/best thing I ever did was intervene on one of these lunatics.

Same scenerio as you but I stepped in and said, "Hey, relax!"

So all of the anger was unleashed, via some colorful vocabulary, in my general direction.

I, being a Jersey girl, had pretty much heard every one the adjectives that she unpacked, but, really didn't enjoy "all eyes on me".

But if it spared one of her kids another bruise than it was worth the embarrassment.

HV FATH?? Hmm.. the best thing you can do, Kara, is pray for her..and her children.

Peace - Rene

Jenni said...

It's usually those. No surprise.

All About the Arredondos said...

So sad! the license plate kills me!