Tuesday, February 10, 2009


The baaaahh-bies! Introducing Cocoa, Nutmeg, and Spanky!

(Originally, there were only two, but my Aunt's neighbor had a prego goat, too, that gave birth to a baaahhby the exact same day, at the exact same time, (seriously) and she handed it over to my aunt to raise, since she was already taking care of two! So, now there are three! All the same age, and all the same level of cuteness! OFF THE CHART, CUTENESS!)

It was so hard to not strap them into our car seats, throw some cheerios at them and take them home. I mean, come on.... they are the size of small puppies, they prance and frolic, how can you not love something that frolics?? With soft fur, adorable faces and and little wagging tails! Then I remembered they grow like 3 inches a day, poop out dark pellets uncontrollably, and will soon begin to butt their little heads into shit around the house, and start to piss me off. Plus, we already have two little goats children at home.

I've always had a fascination with cows, oooohh sounds hot! But for serious, I'm totally scared to death of them and cling to the person next to me if I ever venture into the pasture. I've never really herd (get it) of anyone being attacked by a cow, but believe me, if anyone would have it happen, it's me. Cows have big teeth y'all. Cows have sharp pointy horns. Cows weigh a shit load more than I do. Cows make scary mooooo sounds. I could be chewed into cud for God's sake, or stabbed in my jugular by a horn or just moooooed all over and, no thank you, I'd rather keep my distance.

I see the evil in its eyes. Ready to break through the fence and eat me for dinner then digest me in one of its 4 stomachs.

Is this a curious cow? Or a killer that's plotting a stampede the moment I move from behind the tree?

Your general, run of the mill, goat frolicking picture.

I hope that formula has a DHA and ARA additive.

They are constantly nuzzling. And baaaahing. And jingling, because they wear bells. They wear bells people! Freaking. Cute.

Why does Terry look prouder than the day our girls were born? And yes. That's a reflective collar the goat is wearing. You can't be too careful.

Cocoa, me, Spanky and Terry. Cocoa got a little fresh right after this picture was taken. I don't blame him. I do smell good.

Water off a ducks back?

"Lemon Drop" needs a major bang trim.

Babies feeding babies.

Ava gives Dandy & Cactus get a pep talk.
Till next time. Toodles.


Beankountess said...

Oh! I am so mad I didn't get to make it on Sunday- I would loved some good farm time!

How cute are those goats!!?? Have you seen the ox that was born with a heart shape mark on his head! OMG!

Annemarie said...

I want to go next time you head out there!!! They ARE so cute!!!

loragaige said...

Silly Kara!! Cows only eat veggies, not people!

Maybe you just need to find a baby cow to cuddle. :)