Wednesday, March 10, 2010

E.R. Playdates Are Where It's At!

Seriously. Last night was one for the books. The evening ended well, but the beginning to the evening was a big shitstorm of blood and tears.

It was gorgeous outside yesterday and Ava and Grace wanted to run around in our backyard for a bit. Ava popped in to use the potty and as we were heading back to the yard, we found Grace standing at the door with blood pouring from both nostrils and her mouth, screaming at the top of her lungs. I shrieked. My shriek led to Ava's shriek, which led to all three of us shrieking simultaniously. I grabbed Grace, who by the way, was COVERED in mud. (Apparently, mud pie making is the new tree climbing.)

I rushed out the front door and over to my neighbor Julie's house - she too, shrieked at the sight of poor Grace's face.Total shriek fest. She came over to take care of Ava while I rushed her to the hospital emergency room. Let me add, before I left, we sat Grace on the counter to both try and determine what had happened. There was so much blood... but we couldn't locate any wounds under the blood. In order to keep the hospital staff from thinking I keep my child in an underground cave beneath our home, I washed off her hands and feet. For serious, she already looked enough like a hillbilly. I didn't need to add fuel to the fire with bare feet, blood AND mud. Where in God's name did I grow up, Dogpatch?
I checked her into the E.R., and after having her vitals taken and being cleaned up, Grace and I took a seat in the waiting area, while an available room opened up.

I heard someone call my name. I turned around to find my friend Brandee and her three daughters sitting across the room. One of her daughters, four year-old Brooklynn, had a huge bandage on her forhead, and blood all over her shirt.We sat together for the next 40 minutes, and the four girls played while Brandee and I talked. And laughed. And scheduled a playdate. And a happy hour.

Brooklynn sliced her forhead open after she rode her bike into the back of an open tailgate. Eeesh. I saw the wound and OMG OMG OMG, I soooo know why I'm not a doctor. Or a nurse. The amount of schooling it involves might be one small reason, but the other is because I get queasy looking at my own razor burn.

 Trauma Tots
~Brooklynn & Grace~
(They compared blood stains, and Brooklyn won by a LONG SHOT)

Soon after our hubbies arrived, the two little cuties were called back. We were lucky enough to have rooms next to each other because Grace had become very attached to her new friends, at this point.

She wore gloves in the event of a disease outbreak.
But only on her left hand, for some reason.
She called them 'dubbs'.
Two dubbs Mommy. Peeze.

Brooklynn played peek a boo-boo.

Even the tiniest laceration to the inside of the tiniest of noses will produce copious amounts of blood. So much so, that you'll think your child's face has been knawed off by something with a shitload of VERY sharp teeth. When in reality, that just ain't the case.

Turns out she slipped on our patio and fell face first into the concrete. Busting her forhead and slicing the inside of her nostril, but it didn't need stitches. Unlike poor little Brooklynn, who needed five. :-(

In the end, those four little girls will probably become good friends, and those two little Mommy's will be hitting up a happy hour together, really soon. Smiles all around.


Elisabeth said...

dang it. I never have my camera when I need it. I'm always uber impressed with your "i always have my camera by my side"-ness.

You are funny. I heart you. Even though my kid doesn't have stitches maybe we could still have happy hour? Yes? Yes? We have spring break next week so let's PAR-TAY! ;)

Julie said...

OMG OMG OMG - I was just at your house yesterday!!! And probably right before this happened! OMG! I was not expecting to find a story like this on your blog tonight!