Monday, March 8, 2010

Hello. My Name is Kara. And I'm an Oreoholic.

Umm, hellooooo?! WHERE on earth did winter go? How is it already MARCH?? WTH? I can't believe summer is right around the corner. But, I am kind of excited, though. But only for the heat and the lake and the pools and the multiple, frosty alcoholic beverages on outdoor patios. Not for all of the work that comes with summer. Summer time for girls is hard work, people. There's shaving, moisturizing, fingernail painting, toe painting, the daily rubbing in of fake tanning lotion because I'm naturally as tan as a translucent newborn mouse.


Maybe the shaving and stuff I should be doing year round, but I don't. I certainly don't stop shaving completely, but I don't do it every damn day. I just don't have the time for that stuff. That is a lie. I do have the time. I just don't care. I'd rather save up all of those precious minutes and spend them on a couch. Under a snuggie. Watching TV and eating oodles of oreo's, which I've done all winter long. I know I must emerge from hibernation sooner or later, but I pick later. However....swimsuit season is creeping up on me, so it's probably a good idea to start dwindling down the number of oreo's I consume in the evenings. Maybe knock it down one or two a night. I don't want to throw myself into withdrawal or anything, so I'll start slow. I'm not crazy.

1 comment:

Julie said...

"because I'm naturally as tan as a translucent newborn mouse" is seriously the funniest damn thing I have ever read! And I can totally relate to that because I'm in the same boat! What self tanner do you use? I've yet to find one I really like.