Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bar Harbor, ME

I can't stop smiling. Maybe it's gas. Or cuz I'm on my 3rd Sam Adams summer ale, that's probably it. Those damn wheat beers send me right over the edge, in one helluva hurry. I CANNOT WAIT for June 26th. Vacation. Vaycaaychun. Alcohol. Typing. I'm laughing. At nothing.

Me and T.
T and Me.
No kids.
No time schedule.
No waking up at the ass crack of dawn.

Except, the sun rises at like 430am atop Cadillac Mtn., but that will be kind of neat. At least for the day or two we brave the morning fog and brisk air to see it. Juicy tidbit: it's the highest point along the North Atlantic seaboard and is the first place to view the sunrise in the United States. Neat stuff.

Just wanted to let my peeps know I'm counting down our trip in days now. Get used to it. I'm only going to get more crazy as the days creep into single digits. Then I will be screaming from the roof toppies. Listen closely and you will hear me.

Mr. Sam Adams, you're good stuff.



Beankountess said...

I am excited for you guys!! How cool!!

Let me know where and when I can web cam you guys!!

Jenni said...

Yay! I am picturing the two of you, arms intertwined, walking outside to view the sunset. Deep breath. Sigh. Two seconds turning and running back to the bedroom doing a belly flop onto the bed and sleeping another four hours.