Thursday, February 24, 2011

She's Got The Look

Never mind the shit that went on in Egypt, or the shit that's going on in Libya, or the terrible shit that's happening in your city as I type. Let's all go to sleep tonight thinking, not about death and destruction, or dishonesty and betrayal... but something a little more..... TOTALLY EFFING ADORABLE.

Her name is Heidi.

She's a possum.

Technically, she's an opossum, but that's weird to type and you'll sound stupid if you say it. She lives in a zoo in Germany and a local TV crew was shooting some footage of other animals when they caught a glimpse of 'lil Heidi and her slight ... um ... vision impairment. I don't care how ugly you are, if your eyes are crossed, you're still ugly, but you're also a little bit adorable.

She's all the rage in Germany, and everywhere else in the world, for that matter. Cuz hello, she's cross eyed and no one can look away at something so hideously adorable.

Here she is in all of her hideous glory -- choosing her pick for Best Actress winner at the Oscar's this weekend. Quite the celebrity, that 'lil Heidi.

Seeing that she's she's CROSS EYED and all, it's understandable how the poor thing accidentally wandered right past who she ended up choosing in the end.

Natalie Portman was her winning pick. Look how she's gazing fondly into Natalie's defect-free eyes. All jealous and shit.

You honestly can't tell me you wouldn't want to cuddle up with this little cross eyed beast. Look at her! She couldn't hurt a fly! No, literally, she couldn't hurt a fly! Get it?!  Her eyes. She sees two.

Oh never mind.

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