Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Secret Life of Bunnies

"Like, Hi! My name is Heather. I'm totally cute and I know it. I love playing with ladybugs and hate things that are grodie. Totally."

"My name is Fluffella. I used to live atop the Himalayan mountains. I now live on the end of my owners dust broom."

"Hulloh. My name is Bruno. I have a very deep voice. Somewhere underneath all of this dainty, white fur, I'm a very manly bunny. Unfortunately my fur has grown into both of my eye sockets and no one has noticed."

"My name is Spike. If you come any closer I will rip the cartilage out of your nose and use it to make a nest in the forest."

"Feefleurhooven. My name is Sven. I'm often mistaken for a miniature lion. I have no peripheral vision, for obvious reasons."

"I'm Tiddles. My front feet are small, but I can hop faster than all of my friends. I pee a little bit when I get excited and I have huge pupils."

"My name is Fang. I'm a ferret in bunny clothing. Right after this picture was taken, I spun my head around and bit off my owners arm."


loragaige said...

Kara, you are insane and I LOVE IT!! That ferret is hilarious!

Lindsay G said...

You're awesome!!

Brenda Eckert said...

I almost can't handle the cute-ness. Lovin those bunnies!

Anonymous said...

You know which one I like best, don't you??

~Kara~ said...

the last one! ???